Birth Alchemy
Metamorphosis into Motherhood
Are you ready to embark upon a journey of self-exploration and discovery that will prepare you body, mind, and soul for the transformative rite of passage that is Birth & Motherhood?
Birth Alchemy intertwines the physical, psychological, and metaphysical aspects of pregnancy and birth.
Birth Alchemy will guide you to work with your innate feminine power, to help you uncover and clear energetic blocks, and to dive into the depths of your soul to ignite your intrinsic strength.
It will help you forge an unbreakable connection to your intuition.
It will facilitate true, dynamic metamorphosis throughout your matrescence.

This is NOT your average birth prep course.
How is it different?
Most birth prep + childbirth education courses ONLY cover the physical aspects of the birth process and how to navigate medical systems.
This is not one of them.
This program is for the woman who understands that birth is not a medical emergency, but an emergence.
The woman who wants to approach birth through a holistic lens rather than an overly pathologized, allopathic perspective.
The woman who trusts that every birth is different; who rejects a one-size-fits-all approach to birth preparation.
The woman who knows she is in charge of her own experience.
The woman who welcomes birth as a transcendental experience; who recognizes this experience as an opportunity for growth and expansion.
What you’ll get
A truly holistic framework that emphasizes the psychological, emotional, and metaphysical aspects of birth and acknowledges birth as a sacred rite of passage.
11 modules, 13 audio recordings, and hundreds of journal prompts, integrative activities, and rituals.
My support via text/email throughout your entire journey as your virtual birthkeeper. Ask me anything, vent to me, lean on me for support— I got you!
Two one-on-one calls that will be a container for accountability, reflections, discovery, feminine support, encouragement, cultivating awareness, facilitating growth, and integrating the concepts you explored in each module.
Access to my resources related to pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. This includes my ebook, Herbal Allies & Holistic Protocols for the childbearing year.
Massive leaps in personal growth and self awareness. Introspective and integrative skills that will last a lifetime.
"All of the mythology and stories introduced were so potent and perfect for symbolizing the journey into motherhood. They have strengthened my trust in myself and deepened my appreciation for being a woman with the power to bring life into this world."
"The journal prompts caught me off guard and had me going deeper than I thought was possible. They helped me discover facets of myself that I had buried. It was like holding up a mirror to my soul, enabling me to clear any negative energy I was holding onto before passing through the portal into motherhood. I definitely think it has made an impact on the way I am able to show up as a mother to my baby."
Kate's program not only helped me in birth, but continues to help me in other areas of my life. I cannot recommend it enough!!
Get Started Today
A holistic birth prep program that will dissolve anything standing in the way of your ability to trust yourself, to surrender to the process, and to tap into your own power and sense of authority. This framework intertwines the physical, emotional, psychological, and metaphysical aspects of birth to prepare you mind, body, and spirit for this transformational rite of passage.
A holistic birth prep program that will dissolve anything standing in the way of your ability to trust yourself, to surrender to the process, and to tap into your own power and sense of authority. This framework intertwines the physical, emotional, psychological, and metaphysical aspects of birth to prepare you mind, body, and spirit for this transformational rite of passage. (This version is self-led and does not include text/email/phone support from Kate Rose.)
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
I think you should give yourself at least 12 weeks to complete the program. This gives you approximately one week per module, if you include the course introduction and my initial get-to-know-you questionnaire (which is very in-depth... you'll soon learn that nothing I do is surface level.)
2 calls. Plus you have access to me via text/email as your "virtual birthkeeper," and I take that role very seriously!
Any woman preparing to give birth can gain immense benefit from this course. Whether she plans to birth at home, at a birthing center, in a hospital, or in a field of wildflowers— this course covers topics that are universal to birthing in any setting. While I personally hope to inspire women to birth undisturbed by unnecessary medical intervention, I also recognize that there are factors that may cause women to intentionally choose medical assistance. This course is applicable to all women, all births, and all challenging and transformative life experiences.
Audio recordings that introduce you to each concept, journal prompts that spark a deep exploration of your heart & mind, introspective activities, integrative activities, affirmations, additional resources pertaining to each topic, rituals, and my personal mentorship + support.
Due to the digital nature of a large portion of the content, no.
I also cannot guarantee results, due to the unpredictability of birth and the nature of humans. I CAN promise that you will get out of this course what you put into it.