80+ Positive Affirmations for Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood


Use Positive Affirmations To Wire Your Brain For An Empowered Birth Experience.

Are you trying to overcome fears of birth? Do you want to feel more empowered throughout your pregnancy? Would you like to feel more calm and centered so you can embark into your labor experience feeling confident and assured? Try integrating positive affirmations for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood into your routine!

Harness the power of your mind by using positive affirmations for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.

Your mind is a powerful tool. The thoughts we allow to occupy our minds affect the way we experience life. Neuroscientists have discovered that repetitive thoughts form neural pathways because “neurons that fire together get wired together.” Therefore, the more frequently a particular thought is activated and reinforced, the stronger that particular neural pathway becomes. As a result, we tend to automatically revert to that way of thinking and perceiving. Luckily, our brains have the ability to change our synaptic wiring. Neuroscientists call this “neuroplasticity.” Due to neuroplasticity, we have the power to intentionally change our thought patterns.

One way to intentionally form positive thinking habits is to use affirmations. When using affirmations, the goal is to repeat a thought so frequently and confidently that your mind forms new neural pathways.

Hence, your positive affirmations will become your “go-to” way of thinking.

Telling yourself every day that something is too difficult or even impossible will cause you to form mental blocks in your mind that manifest into real life obstacles. However, if you encourage yourself daily using positive affirmations, it is much more likely you will reach your goals. This is how remarkably powerful your mind is. If you are conscious and aware of the thoughts you repeat in your mind, your life will reflect it.

Affirmations are positive phrases that are repeated throughout the day. You could read them to yourself or listen to a recording, since the idea is to repeat them frequently enough for your subconscious mind to take hold of them. It is important for you to truly believe in your affirmations, so find the ones that resonate with you. Write them down on sticky notes and put them in places where you’ll read them often. Use a dry erase board to jot a new one down every week. Most of all, take your affirmations to heart and visualize them becoming a reality.

Use affirmations daily to achieve positive results.

Speaking affirmations aloud to your baby is a wonderful way to bond with them in utero, especially when you consider babies hear sounds from the outside world as early as 16 weeks gestation. The mother-baby bond is something mysterious and magical. Even early on, it is evident that babies truly respond to things that their mothers do. According to this study, babies in the womb even respond to their mother’s touch. During the study, when the mothers touched their abdomen, their babies responded by kicking, yawning, or reaching out to touch her back. Additionally, when they talked to their babies, the movements decreased — perhaps her baby was pausing to listen? We can’t know for sure what our babies are thinking, but we can see there is a definite connection between mother and child that begins very early in pregnancy.

Here are some of my favorite positive affirmations for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood:

  1. I trust my body. My body knows exactly what to do. I embrace the wisdom of my body.

  2. I am totally relaxed and at ease. I can handle whatever comes up.

  3. My baby is strong and healthy. My belly is full of love. My baby feels my joy.

  4. I welcome my coming labor as the perfect one for me and my baby.

  5. My muscles work in complete harmony to make birthing easier. Each surge of my body brings my baby closer to me. My surges cannot be stronger than me because they ARE me.

  6. I am thankful for my surges because I know that each one is bringing my baby closer to me.

  7. I turn my birthing over to my baby and my body.

  8. I am an active and powerful laboring woman.

  9. I feel confident, I feel safe, I feel secure.

  10. I am a wonderful mother.

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If you find yourself feeling anxious about the birth process, consider using my Empowered Birth Toolkit to help yourself prepare for your birth experience. We tend to fear the unknown.

I also offer one-on-one virtual doula sessions, during which we can discuss and dissolve your fears regarding birth, so that you are able to dive into this experience without anything to hold you back.

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