Health + Wellness, Herbal Health, Motherhood, Personal Katelyn Pavlovsky Health + Wellness, Herbal Health, Motherhood, Personal Katelyn Pavlovsky

Our Wellness Arsenal

Our society is currently facing a global health crisis. Real, nourishing foods have been replaced with “frankenfood”— addictive, synthetic, processed food-like substances that trick our bodies into craving them, even though they lack vital nutrients and are highly toxic to our systems. Because of soil depletion due to irresponsible agricultural practices, even the real, whole fruits & veggies we can buy today are far less rich in vitamins and minerals than they were 100 years ago. This impacts our lives on a physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual level— whether or not most of us are aware of it.

I began my health journey back in 2014 when Joel and I decided to begin growing our family. I joined an online community of natural-minded mamas in order to plan for the transformational year ahead of me. It was within that community that I began to learn about the toxic substances in our cleaning products, hygiene products, and even our food. Horrified, I set out to detoxify our lifestyle. I read Nina Planck’s book, “Real Food for Mother and Baby,” (life changing!) and began implementing her recommendations immediately. Real, organic food and pasture-raised, sustainably-sourced meats became the foundation of our diet. Our health improved dramatically, and after months of trying to conceive, I finally became pregnant with our first babe.

7 years and 3 kids later, I am still very passionate about health and wellness. I believe our health is our most valuable asset, and I invest a lot into the health of my family. Our health is our own responsibility, and I take that responsibility seriously. I do not believe that health comes in the form of pharmaceuticals. Taking synthetic medicines and pills is sickness management, not health.

We have a daily wellness routine and a whole food & herb based wellness arsenal that supports our health holistically— promoting deep cellular nourishment while consistently, gently detoxing our bodies from the toxins we inevitably encounter daily…

This post contains affiliate links. I only link to products that I have personally used and feel comfortable recommending. If you use these links, it does not increase the cost for you. It does help support this blog and my family, which allows me to bring you more helpful content. I really appreciate it when you use these links to purchase these products!

Our society is currently facing a global health crisis. Real, nourishing foods have been replaced with “frankenfood”— addictive, synthetic, processed food-like substances that trick our bodies into craving them, even though they lack vital nutrients and are highly toxic to our systems. Because of soil depletion due to irresponsible agricultural practices, even the real, whole fruits & veggies we can buy today are far less rich in vitamins and minerals than they were 100 years ago. This impacts our lives on a physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual level— whether or not most of us are aware of it.

I began my health journey back in 2014 when Joel and I decided to begin growing our family. I joined an online community of natural-minded mamas in order to plan for the transformational year ahead of me. It was within that community that I began to learn about the toxic substances in our cleaning products, hygiene products, and even our food. Horrified, I set out to detoxify our lifestyle. I read Nina Planck’s book, “Real Food for Mother and Baby,” (life changing!) and began implementing her recommendations immediately. Real, organic food and pasture-raised, sustainably-sourced meats became the foundation of our diet. Our health improved dramatically, and after months of trying to conceive, I finally became pregnant with our first babe.

7 years and 3 kids later, I am still very passionate about health and wellness. I believe our health is our most valuable asset, and I invest a lot into the health of my family. Our health is our own responsibility, and I take that responsibility seriously. I do not believe that health comes in the form of pharmaceuticals. Taking synthetic medicines and pills is sickness management, not health.

We have a daily wellness routine and a whole food & herb based wellness arsenal that supports our health holistically— promoting deep cellular nourishment while consistently, gently detoxing our bodies from the toxins we inevitably encounter daily.

Our Daily Wellness Regimen includes…

  • Eating real foods: pasture raised meat/dairy/egg products and organic produce. Avoiding overly processed products whenever possible. Eating all the colors of the rainbow.

  • Reducing our exposure to environmental toxins as much as we can without causing undue stress. No products with synthetic fragrance, naturally derived cleaning supplies (we love Puracy everything and I also use Thieves cleaner from YL), no artificial flavors or colors, no chemical pesticides and herbicides, limiting plastics, using clean personal hygiene products, etc. Check out my Amazon Storefront to see some of the products we use.

  • Getting sunshine and fresh air. When we go for longer without sun exposure due to the weather, we will supplement with Cod Liver Oil + Vitamin D.

  • Exercise— working in the garden, evening walks, time at the gym, swimming, home improvement… we are active people.

  • Keeping house plants! House plants are natural air purifiers that reduce the toxic pollutants in your home. They can help reduce the chance of getting seasonal sicknesses (such as the common cold), remove airborne contaminants (volatile organic compounds or VOCs), reduce the chance of headaches, lift your mood, decrease your blood pressure, reduce allergies, improve sleep and much more. Magical! (Check out the top 10 indoor plants for removing toxins.) We also have air purifiers with HEPA filters. We just use the Levoit LV-PUR131 (large main rooms) and the Levoit LV-H132 (bedrooms), which were relatively affordable and get good ratings. I’m sure there are far fancier systems out there, but these guys do the job within our budget.

  • Using CLEAN drinking water from our Berkey. Check out my H2O toxicity highlight on instagram to learn more about the toxins found in drinking water and how to find out how clean YOUR tap water actually is.

  • Adding powerful superfoods into our diet that help our bodies consistently detox from the environmental toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis.

    • In the summertime, I add these to our smoothies, but in the winter when we aren’t into eating cold foods I create my own gelatin capsules with these superfoods:

      • Wheatgrass - Supports immune function; aids in production of red blood cells which increases oxygenation, providing protection from various environmental pollutants; energizes and alkalizes the body; is one of the most detoxifying foods in nature; reduces inflammation; regulates blood sugar; improves digestion; rich in chlorophyll; has high levels of antioxidants to aid in reduction of free radical damage; contains 19 different amino acids including 9 essential ones; aids in the treatment and prevention of cancer; improves mental health and clarity.

      • Cracked Cell Chlorella - another incredible superfood I only recently learned about. It is packed with a wide range of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, iron, antioxidants, magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper, folic acid, and vitamin B. Studies have shown Chlorella is especially useful in removing heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury, and lead, and in reducing bioaccumulative toxins that cause reproductive issues, developmental problems, and cancer.

      • I do about a 70/30 blend of Wheatgrass to Chlorella and take 2-6 of the 00 gelatin capsules daily. I use an encapsulator like this one (I got mine on amazon but can’t find it on there anymore).

    • Dandelion Leaf - a powerful herbal ally that is a friend to our liver + kidney function. Helps gently detox while also providing tons of micronutrients and antioxidants. Sometimes I create an Apple Cider Vinegar based tonic (like a tincture with vinegar as the base) with dandelion leaf and other kidney + liver support herbs, of which I drink a tablespoon daily. Other times I take 2 00 gelatin capsules of ground dandelion leaf. You can also eat dandelion leaf that you find and harvest yourself by adding it to salads or cooking it! I recommend reading up on herbal allies in the books I list at the end of this post and following your own intuition.

    • Nettles - these provide tons of micronutrients, increase energy levels naturally, gently detox your body, strengthen your bones and connective tissue, relieve allergies and eczema, promote lung health, support reproductive health, and so much more. This is a powerhouse herb that you want in your life daily! I drink nettles infusions or take 2-6 00 gel capsules of them daily.

    • The last magical, powerful yet natural detoxifying supplement we use is Fulvic Zeolite. (Use that link to purchase to receive a $50 off discount — or use code “katekismet”… another favorite on the market is Coseva TRS).

      • Zeolite is a silica-based volcanic ash that forms over time when ash and lava from volcanos chemically react with sea water. Zeolite has a cage-like structure that is created by aluminum and silica that are trapped in a small tetrahedra (pyramid-like structure) created by oxygen atoms. These form 8-sided and 10-sided rings that stack on top of each other to form channels. The aluminum is positively charged and the oxygen around it is negatively charged, giving the entire molecule a net negative charge. This is a very stable compound which creates an invincible molecule that acts like a vacuum, sucking the toxins out of your bloodstream and then trapping them in a cage. When the toxins are trapped, they are neutralized in such a way so that the liver does not recognize that they are there. Your body then passes it on to the kidneys so you can eliminate them through urination without taxing the liver. Zeolites bind to and help detox: heavy metals, environmental toxins, mold, radioactive materials, and microbial pathogens.

      • Purium’s Zeolite has been synergistically combined with fulvic acid to create “Fulvic Zeolite”. Fulvic Acid is often called “nature’s miracle molecule.” It is an important naturally-occurring organic acid found in nutrition-rich humus (the decomposed matter that forms a layer in the earth’s crust). It can be difficult to obtain from a healthy diet, short of eating dirt itself, and is most commonly gathered from Shilajit. Fulvic Acid serves as an indispensable vehicle for carrying vitamins and other nutrients to the proper places in our bodies. One single fulvic acid molecule is capable of transporting 60 or more minerals and trace elements directly into our cells.

    • We also incorporate Tart Cherry Juice for antioxidants + deep rejuvenating sleep + immune boosting components like quercetin.

    • I try to also include Collagen Peptides (skin/joint/bone/hair and overall health), and Gelatin (joint health, adrenal fatigue recovery, hormone regulation, anti-inflammatory, supports liver detox, and more) in our recipes as much as possible. I add collagen to our daily smoothie or juice, and I add gelatin to soups/stews to thicken them. I also use Gelatin to make gummy fruit snacks and healthy jello for treats, and I add Collagen peptides to our hot chocolate.

I used to feel very very overwhelmed trying to avoid every environmental toxin I learned about. It felt like as soon as I rid our house of one, I learned of another! It was also clear that there were some things I’d never be able to fully avoid. While I still believe it is important to eliminate as many toxins as possible from our environments, I also know it is so important not to send ourselves into an over-stressed state by being constantly paranoid over the things we cannot control. Stress isn’t good for the body or mind either! Being able to conveniently detox our bodies daily has given me peace of mind, knowing I am doing what I can to support my body and my children’s bodies to detox whatever toxins I am unable to cleanse from our environments.

We are not unwell often, but when anyone in my family does need healing support due to injury or illness, I reach for my herbal & homeopathic remedies first:

  • Vitamin C from Nature

  • Elderberry Syrup

  • Probiotics! Find some that are good quality and kept in the refrigerator section of a store near you.

  • Fire Cider

  • Nettles (as a preventative/wellness support mainly— I brew a tea for myself during my moon time that includes red raspberry leaf as well, and we use this during allergy season to reduce our allergies.) Nettles are so high in vitamins and minerals! I highly recommend nettles infusions for preventative care and the Nora Blend during pregnancy and postpartum. My friend Cari makes a wonderful “Green Goddess” tea that has all the necessary herbs plus more for a good flavor— she offers this in her shop Apothecari Officinalis (code KATE10 gets you a 10% discount).

  • Cordyceps/Mullein Capsules: These I use when I feel I need extra lung support— like during or after a cold, or during allergy season. I create capsules with 50/50 mullein powder (ground finely in a coffee grinder) and cordyceps powder (this comes powdered).

  • Zinc Capsules for immune support as a preventative or during illness.

  • Golden Echinacea or Echinacea tincture (no goldenseal if pregnant or breastfeeding— goldenseal is good for current infection, echinacea is best for preventing the start of an infection from getting worse). I love this one for kids because it doesn’t have alcohol so I can drop half a dropper full straight into their mouths and they don’t complain, since glycerine is sweet to the taste.

  • Traditional Medicinals Echinacea Tea (to ward off a developing infection or for a soothing tea during infection)

  • Ginger Tea - supports immune system AND great for tummy troubles

  • Chamomile Tea - great for calming and for upset stomachs

  • Oil of Oregano or Oregano Spirits for very intense, acute infections (sinus, sore throat, heavy chest congestion— I reserve these for the times when an intense infection just will not respond to things like golden echinacea… not to be taken lightly. Basically an antibiotic. Take probiotics with these!)

  • CBD for pain/irritability/anxiety or help sleeping when feeling under the weather (code katekismet gets you $50 off of Purium’s CBD, which is what we use and love).

  • Garlic for infections or yeast issues. You can also make garlic honey.

  • Allium Cepa (homeopathic) - colds with watery discharge from eyes/nose

  • Pulsatilla (homeopathic) - whiny, clingy toddlers; colds with thick yellow discharge; painful indigestion with rumbling gas; car sickness; PMS/hot flashes…

  • Chamomilla (homeopathic) - teething; angry toddler; colic

  • Arnica (homeopathic) - bruising, healing injuries, postpartum healing

  • Our Homeopathy Kit - we reach for this kit so often for quick remedies we’ve become accustomed to, plus it’s great to have a full set on hand because when you need a remedy, you HAVE it. The book “Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child” includes guidance on which homeopathic and herbal remedies to use, so it’s good to have a home apothecary at the ready so you’re not in a frenzy trying to find things when someone is already having symptoms.

  • Anxiety Remedies

  • Comfrey salve (see DIY instructions in my instagram highlights under “Herbal”)- for bruising, breaks/sprains, muscle strains, arthritis

  • First Aid Salve - 1 part calendula, 1 part plantain leaf, 1 part yarrow, 1 part st john’s wort, 1 part comfrey leaf, 1 part burdock root (finely ground)… place herbs in a jar and cover with olive oil. Let sit in a warm window for 2 weeks. For each cup of oil, add 1/4 cup beeswax; melt into the oil with a double boiler. Stir in vitamin e oil. Pour into small 4 oz jars or tins. Use on small cuts, stings, bug bites, anywhere you’d normally use Neosporin, burns, etc.

  • Yarrow Styptic - simple dried yarrow flower or plant, ground up fine in a coffee grinder (one specifically for herbs only, not ever used for coffee). Used to stop bleeding and prevent infection.

  • Kloss’s Liniment - for poison ivy/oak and other oozy rashes

  • Mullein Garlic Oil (ear infections)

  • Host Defense Stamet’s 7 Mushroom Immune Support

I highly recommend these books as references for natural health support to further your own knowledge in how to heal yourself and your family at home:

… feel free to peruse my amazon storefront for more links to reference texts and other holistic health items I use for my family. As I think of things, I will add them here. So Bookmark this page and come back to visit!

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Pregnancy, Postpartum, Motherhood Katelyn Pavlovsky Pregnancy, Postpartum, Motherhood Katelyn Pavlovsky

How To Manage Prenatal and Postpartum Anxiety

You, too?

You’re not alone!

Anxiety is very common, and for many people (including myself), pregnancy and/or postpartum can make it more intense. At least ten percent of people experience anxiety when they are pregnant and/or postpartum (and honestly I’m willing to bet it’s more than that.)

I’d like to take a moment to wrap you in a warm, virtual hug. I know how difficult it is to cope with both prenatal anxiety and postpartum anxiety.

It has been almost a year since I was suddenly overcome with crippling anxiety during my pregnancy with my third son, Huxley. I ignored the signs and my needs for too long, and ended up so panic-stricken at 39 weeks that I begged my midwife to induce me so that I could escape the symptoms. You can read my birth story (and watch the video I took of the birth) here.

When you start to have anxiety during pregnancy or postpartum, it is important not to dismiss your feelings. It can be tempting to try to bury the feelings you’re having; to ignore them and distract yourself with other things. However, this is exactly why I ended up in a panic-stricken state, unable to eat or sleep for three days before finally calling out for help.

This is why I’ve decided, for the one-year anniversary of my third birth experience, to write this article teaching others how to manage anxiety during pregnancy. I want you to LEARN FROM MY EXPERIENCE. Don’t repeat my mistakes. Take care of yourself and reach out for help before things get too intense! Once I started actually taking care of myself, my anxiety began to decrease steadily until eventually I no longer noticed it regularly.

This post contains affiliate links. I only link to products that I have personally used and feel comfortable recommending. If you use these links, it does not increase the cost for you. It does help support this blog and my family, which allows me to bring you more helpful content. I really appreciate it when you use these links to purchase these products!


You, too?

You’re not alone!

Anxiety is very common, and for many people (including myself), pregnancy and/or postpartum can make it more intense. At least ten percent of people experience anxiety when they are pregnant and/or postpartum (and honestly I’m willing to bet it’s more than that.)

I’d like to take a moment to wrap you in a warm, virtual hug. I know how difficult it is to cope with both prenatal anxiety and postpartum anxiety.

It has been almost a year since I was suddenly overcome with crippling anxiety during my pregnancy with my third son, Huxley. I ignored the signs and my needs for too long, and ended up so panic-stricken at 39 weeks that I begged my midwife to induce me so that I could escape the symptoms.

When you start to have anxiety during pregnancy or postpartum, it is important not to dismiss your feelings. It can be tempting to try to bury the feelings you’re having; to ignore them and distract yourself with other things. However, this is exactly why I ended up in a panic-stricken state, unable to eat or sleep for three days before finally calling out for help.

This is why I’ve decided, for the one-year anniversary of my third birth experience, to write this article teaching others how to manage anxiety during pregnancy. I want you to LEARN FROM MY EXPERIENCE. Don’t repeat my mistakes. Take care of yourself and reach out for help before things get too intense! Once I started actually taking care of myself, my anxiety began to decrease steadily until eventually I no longer noticed it regularly.

Here are some trusted anxiety remedies to help you manage your anxiety during pregnancy:

  1. Stop drinking caffeine
    I know you might not want to hear this, but if you regularly feel anxious, you probably need to break up with your daily coffee habit. I LOVE coffee. I miss coffee. I even crave coffee when I’m pregnant! But I can’t let myself have it. Not even decaf. Caffeine is a major trigger for anxiety, so it’s a good idea to just stay the heck away from it if you’re trying to reduce your anxiety symptoms during pregnancy or postpartum.

  2. Don’t “Overdo It”
    When I was pregnant with my third babe, we moved cities when I was over 7 months along. We packed up an entire 2000 square foot home and moved 2.5 hours away with our first two kids (and two cats) in tow. Then, every day from sun up to sun down, I was unpacking and nesting like a mad woman. I was so intent upon having my home ready for the baby that I drove myself nuts by not allowing myself time to relax, to decompress, to CARE for myself. You need time to take care of YOU. Try not to put too many responsibilities and tasks on your plate if you can help it. Let the house be a little messy. Let the projects wait. Be sure you are feeling stable and well-rested before taking on another task.

  3. Get Plenty of Sleep
    To follow up with my last point, make it a priority to get plenty of sleep. I know it can be hard during pregnancy… and it’s definitely difficult postpartum with a newborn… but sleep is of the utmost importance to your mental health. Use sleep meditations on YouTube to fall asleep quickly after crawling into bed (I like the ones by Jason Stephenson). Use a pregnancy pillow to make yourself more comfortable (a number of my clients have raved about this one). If you don’t get enough rest at night, make naps a priority during the day (especially if you have a newborn keeping you up at night). Do whatever it takes to get more rest!

  4. Eat Healthy, Whole Foods
    Did you know that artificial & refined sugars and processed foods can actually cause anxiety? Have you noticed the effect those types of foods have on you? I sure have! It is a good idea to avoid fried foods, junk foods, sodas, candy, etc. if you are struggling with anxiety (and even depression) while pregnant or postpartum (or anytime really). If you’re wondering exactly what foods are best for you, I really love the book “Real Food For Mother and Baby” by Nina Planck. She also wrote “Real Food,” which is for anyone and everyone and doesn’t focus on the childbearing year/feeding your baby.

  5. Meditate
    I know, I know. People say this all the time but maybe you don’t know what it even means to meditate, so you skip over this and try the next suggestion. But I’m here to tell you YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING FOR THIS TO WORK. You can follow along with a guided meditation — this one is great when you’re already feeling anxious, and lasts only 30 minutes. You can also search “10 minute guided meditation” on youtube and surf through the results to find one that you love. It’s more about taking the time for yourself. Taking time to relax and unwind, and to clear your mind. Extra points if you can take a short walk (even just into your own yard, or on some grass in a park) barefoot and take some relaxing breaths of fresh air. Walking barefoot on the earth is actually called “Earthing” and is proven to have a positive effect on mental health. I’m serious, check out this study.

  6. Take time to yourself every day
    This may seem really simple… or it may sound impossible (helloooo mom life)… but seriously, you need SOME time to yourself every day. Time to journal. Time to breathe and stretch. Time to check in with yourself and your needs. Time to express your creativity. Time to soak in the bath. Time to cut your nails and tweeze your eyebrows in peace. Time to drink a warm cup of herbal tea. Time to read a couple of chapters of a book. Time to meditate. Time to do yoga. Whatever you spend YOUR time doing, make sure to take it! Don’t constantly put yourself on the back burner. Demand time. Plan for it. Make it non-negotiable.

  7. Exercise; Stay Comfortably Active
    You don’t need to be training for a marathon or anything crazy… just devote 10-30 minutes per day to light exercise. Follow along with some prenatal yoga videos, go swimming, go for morning or evening walks with your significant other (or your fur baby)… you get the idea. Because as Elle says on Legally Blonde, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands.” Minus the part about shooting husbands because that’s not really relevant here. But seriously — exercise is proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

  8. Get Acupuncture
    This one is SO IMPORTANT. I cannot recommend this enough. During my second pregnancy, I was committed to regular acupuncture treatments. I told them to hit the points for relaxation and anxiety relief when I went every other week throughout my pregnancy (starting in my second trimester). When I was halfway through my third trimester, I started going once per week. I never noticed any anxiety symptoms. In fact, that was my happiest pregnancy, and I think a lot of it had to do with the regular acupuncture treatments.

  9. Get Regular Massage
    This study found that people who received regular massage therapy for 12 weeks had a 50 percent reduction in anxiety symptoms. And the benefits weren’t short-lived: Symptom reduction remained at 50 percent at the 26-week mark even after the therapy had ended.
    Massage is such a wonderful form of self-care and preventative holistic therapy. I think we tend to think of it as a luxury, but it is truly a form of healthcare.

  10. Use Rescue Remedy Drops
    Rescue Remedy is great when you are having acute anxiety symptoms. For example, during my third pregnancy I did something totally dumb… I drank COFFEE (a major trigger for my anxiety). I was super energized, cleaning my entire house, when it hit — a major panic attack. My heard was pounding. I gulped down a glass of water and ate a banana to try to give my body something else to bring me back to equilibrium. Then I remembered my rescue remedy. I quickly took the recommended dose and then went to lay down. It wasn’t long before I felt the flower essence start working its magic. I mean I really felt more subdued, as if I had taken a pharmaceutical anti-anxiety drug. I ended up taking a short nap and woke up feeling much better. Now I keep this on hand all the time, and it makes me feel more secure just knowing I have it around. You can buy Rescue Remedy here. Rescue Remedy is a “flower remedy” or “flower essence” medicine… very similar to homeopathic medicines. They are made from wild flowers and according to my own care providers, they are safe for pregnancy & while breastfeeding, but you should of course consult your own provider with any questions about their safety in relation to you.

  11. Consider Homeopathy
    It is common for those of us afflicted with anxiety not to want to take medications that will dull our senses. There can even be some anxiety around taking medicine.. ESPECIALLY if you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding, since the risk of side effects can be frightening. This is why I love the flower essence remedies & homeopathic remedies. They give me an option that is not pharmaceutical to try first.
    These homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe while pregnant and/or breastfeeding, but again, consult your care provider just to be safe. In homeopathic medicine, there is no measurable amount of the active ingredients, which makes it extremely safe. There are only trace amounts— nanoparticles— of the active ingredients detectable in these medicines.

    Aconitum Napellus, 200c - Homeopathy practitioners recommend aconite (aconitum napellus) for intense, sudden anxiety, panic, or fear. Panic could be connected to past trauma. Symptoms of this type of panic include dry skin, dry mouth, and fast heartbeat. You can find it here.

    Argentum Nitricum, 30c - Generally known for alleviating symptoms of stage fright. It is also known as the “what if” medicine… it works well for those who are constantly worrying about “what ifs” in their minds. Great for anxiety that is accompanied by gastrointestinal issues (bloating, excessive gas, IBS, etc). I was given this after laboring for over 30 hours with my first. I was still very afraid of the contractions.. and I also felt watched by my birth team at that point. My midwife administered a few balls of this, and my baby was in my arms soon after! It seemed to really get me out of my head to allow my body to do what it needed to do. You can find it here.

    Arsenicum 30c - The person who needs this remedy worries about everything that has to do with survival: income, housing, health, insurance, and the like. They might be worried about bills, or that their partner will lose their job, or that they won’t have enough support, or even that their home is too full of toxins for their baby/child. They fret endlessly. They may also have diarrhea, and/or a runny nose that accompanies their anxiety. If this sounds like you, buy arsenicum here.

    Ignatia Amara 30c - For nervousness due to emotional upset. For the type of anxiety that keeps you up thinking about conversations & interactions that went wrong.. “I wish I said that.” For the person lying awake at night brooding over every little emotional upset. Buy it here.

    Pulsatilla, 30c - Usually a remedy for clingy/fussy children. People who need this remedy often express anxiety as insecurity and clinginess, with a need for constant support and comforting. The person may be moody, tearful, whiny, even emotionally childish. You can buy it here.

  12. Herbal Support
    These herbs are generally considered safe while pregnant and/or breastfeeding (consult your care provider before use), and work to ease anxiety symptoms:

    Stinging Nettles — Nettles strengthen the adrenals, which relieves anxiety. They are also high in calcium, which is known to keep the nerves steady. They provide many different micronutrients to support pregnant & breastfeeding mamas. Buy them in bulk here (this is the brand that I buy and I have been very happy with the quality). Make tea, or do an infusion of nettles (1 cup of nettles in 1 quart jar; pour boiling water over the herbs and let sit for 4+ hours. Keep refrigerated and drink within 48 hours.)

    Oatstraw — This herb is a magenesium-rich powerful nervine. It helps take the edge off and make life seem more manageable. It is also high in calcium, like nettles. Preparation is similar to Nettles. You can make a tea (put loose herbs in a tea strainer like this one, which is my husband’s favorite because it is so easy to use), or make an infusion. You could even do an infusion with 1/2 nettles and 1/2 oatstraw. These two herbs have very different flavors though, so you might not want to mix them. (Nettles are good iced, but not sweetened.. as a very green drink. Oatstraw is good warm and lightly sweetened with honey.) Bonus: Oatstraw is great for reducing/preventing varicose veins, and is also rich in micronutrients that help support pregnant/breastfeeding mamas. Buy them here.

    WishGarden Baby Blues Mood Support Tincture — This tincture was created to support mamas through the postpartum blues, but it also works great for warding off postpartum anxiety. It is a powerful (yet gentle) combo of herbs that help support healthy hormone levels. WishGarden is a very trustworthy, woman owned business that has been creating herbal preparations for over 30 years. They only use the highest quality, sustainably sourced organic & wild-crafted herbs to make their products, which is why I trust them. You can buy this tincture here.

  13. Therapy / Counseling
    It can be SO helpful to have a safe place to talk through your feelings. Therapists provide this space, and they can help you learn some tools for coping with anxiety. Don’t be ashamed to reach out for help if it’s getting hard to live with the symptoms of anxiety.

  14. Anxiety Medicine
    I know this is always the last resort, but we shouldn’t turn our noses up at it if it’s necessary for us to live life to the fullest. It is good to have an open mind about anxiety medicine, and if your anxiety is affecting your quality of life despite everything you’ve tried, then it’s probably time to talk with your care provider about anxiety medication options. Be honest with them about your symptoms, and about what you want your medication to do for you. Talk about the risks and benefits of each of your options. If your care provider isn’t willing to have a quality discussion with you, find another provider or even a specialist who will. I wish I had reached out to my providers earlier when I was pregnant with Huxley. I could have probably avoided the debilitating anxiety at the end of my pregnancy with him if I had treated it sooner. Don’t assume that there are no safe options while pregnant and/or breastfeeding. If you really need the medication, there are options. This article tells one mama’s story of crippling anxiety that began in her first trimester, and how she chose to treat it with medication rather than live in a state of panic.

This is by no means a completely exhaustive list, but I included all of the things that have worked for me personally. I hope they help you as well.

Anxiety can arise for many reasons, and it can present itself in many different ways. This article talks about the many signs & symptoms of anxiety, as well as some possible causes. It is very important to realize that you do NOT have to suffer through this alone— you need to reach out for help. You are not broken, you are not weak. Feelings of anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum are common, but you need to address them so that you can enjoy your life without the anxiety affecting you negatively.

Have you experienced intense anxiety? What is something that helps you?

If you find yourself feeling anxious about the birth process, consider using my Empowered Birth Toolkit to help yourself prepare for your birth experience. We tend to fear the unknown. You can also check out my absolute favorite in-depth birth prep course, which teaches you how to have an autonomous, powerful birth experience.

I also offer one-on-one virtual doula sessions, during which we can discuss and dissolve your fears regarding birth, so that you are able to dive into this experience without anything to hold you back.

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Birth, Motherhood, Pregnancy Katelyn Pavlovsky Birth, Motherhood, Pregnancy Katelyn Pavlovsky

80+ Positive Affirmations for Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood

Use Positive Affirmations To Wire Your Brain For An Empowered Birth Experience.

Are you trying to overcome fears of birth? Do you want to feel more empowered throughout your pregnancy? Would you like to feel more calm and centered so you can embark into your labor experience feeling confident and assured? Try integrating positive affirmations for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood into your routine!

Harness the power of your mind by using positive affirmations for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.


Use Positive Affirmations To Wire Your Brain For An Empowered Birth Experience.

Are you trying to overcome fears of birth? Do you want to feel more empowered throughout your pregnancy? Would you like to feel more calm and centered so you can embark into your labor experience feeling confident and assured? Try integrating positive affirmations for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood into your routine!

Harness the power of your mind by using positive affirmations for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.

Your mind is a powerful tool. The thoughts we allow to occupy our minds affect the way we experience life. Neuroscientists have discovered that repetitive thoughts form neural pathways because “neurons that fire together get wired together.” Therefore, the more frequently a particular thought is activated and reinforced, the stronger that particular neural pathway becomes. As a result, we tend to automatically revert to that way of thinking and perceiving. Luckily, our brains have the ability to change our synaptic wiring. Neuroscientists call this “neuroplasticity.” Due to neuroplasticity, we have the power to intentionally change our thought patterns.

One way to intentionally form positive thinking habits is to use affirmations. When using affirmations, the goal is to repeat a thought so frequently and confidently that your mind forms new neural pathways.

Hence, your positive affirmations will become your “go-to” way of thinking.

Telling yourself every day that something is too difficult or even impossible will cause you to form mental blocks in your mind that manifest into real life obstacles. However, if you encourage yourself daily using positive affirmations, it is much more likely you will reach your goals. This is how remarkably powerful your mind is. If you are conscious and aware of the thoughts you repeat in your mind, your life will reflect it.

Affirmations are positive phrases that are repeated throughout the day. You could read them to yourself or listen to a recording, since the idea is to repeat them frequently enough for your subconscious mind to take hold of them. It is important for you to truly believe in your affirmations, so find the ones that resonate with you. Write them down on sticky notes and put them in places where you’ll read them often. Use a dry erase board to jot a new one down every week. Most of all, take your affirmations to heart and visualize them becoming a reality.

Use affirmations daily to achieve positive results.

Speaking affirmations aloud to your baby is a wonderful way to bond with them in utero, especially when you consider babies hear sounds from the outside world as early as 16 weeks gestation. The mother-baby bond is something mysterious and magical. Even early on, it is evident that babies truly respond to things that their mothers do. According to this study, babies in the womb even respond to their mother’s touch. During the study, when the mothers touched their abdomen, their babies responded by kicking, yawning, or reaching out to touch her back. Additionally, when they talked to their babies, the movements decreased — perhaps her baby was pausing to listen? We can’t know for sure what our babies are thinking, but we can see there is a definite connection between mother and child that begins very early in pregnancy.

Here are some of my favorite positive affirmations for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood:

  1. I trust my body. My body knows exactly what to do. I embrace the wisdom of my body.

  2. I am totally relaxed and at ease. I can handle whatever comes up.

  3. My baby is strong and healthy. My belly is full of love. My baby feels my joy.

  4. I welcome my coming labor as the perfect one for me and my baby.

  5. My muscles work in complete harmony to make birthing easier. Each surge of my body brings my baby closer to me. My surges cannot be stronger than me because they ARE me.

  6. I am thankful for my surges because I know that each one is bringing my baby closer to me.

  7. I turn my birthing over to my baby and my body.

  8. I am an active and powerful laboring woman.

  9. I feel confident, I feel safe, I feel secure.

  10. I am a wonderful mother.

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If you find yourself feeling anxious about the birth process, consider using my Empowered Birth Toolkit to help yourself prepare for your birth experience. We tend to fear the unknown.

I also offer one-on-one virtual doula sessions, during which we can discuss and dissolve your fears regarding birth, so that you are able to dive into this experience without anything to hold you back.

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